European Triode Festival ![]() ETF.03 … 05 But all those virtual meetings are somewhat anemic. That's why Wolfgang Braun and yours truly founded and organized the European Triode Festival a.k.a. ETF.03, ETF.04 and ETF.05 in Langenargen, Germany. The event very quickly established itself as the worldwide gathering of triode lovers. But organising the festival became such a pain that we gladly let others take over after three years. ETF.06 … 08 In 2006, 2007 and 2008 Guido Tent organized the ETF in Biezenmortel, The Netherlands. The events in Holland served to enhance the prestige of ETF but also wore out Guido and his co-organizers. Time for fresh blood… ETF.09 … 11 The next three ETFs were held in Stella in the north of France (Pas de Calais region). The location was a bit remote, the weather so-so (ie cold, wet and windy), but the lectures were great and the food was OK. ETF.12 … 14 Back to Germany… The next three ETFs were held in Berlin. As usual in November with the usual November rain. ETF.15 … 17 «Back to the roots» was the motto of the next three ETFs. And because the whole thing started out as «Århus Triode Festival» back in 2000, the three festivals took place in Tisvildeleje, north of Copenhagen. ETF.18 … 20 Bonjour à Bellême – for the first time, the ETF takes place in the center of town and not in some remote congress or holiday center. And what a town it is – Bellême is la douce France par excellence, and the town and the triodes used in the amps shown have a similarity: it is as if time stood still… Links: ETF in Wikipedia |